Sunday, October 4, 2015

I Braked Things

     I am curious to know who has broken as many phones as I have. It has become a major problem for me honestly. I have been known to have a new phone at least once a month if not multiple times a month for quite a while. Because I have a history with breaking phones many people think that I do not have any phone cases. This is not the case... See what I did there? Bad jokes make my day. Moving on, I have had Otter Box's, Griffin's, and several cheap and flimsy cases. All of them seemed to be alright for normal people. Too bad for me that cases for regular people seem to be comparable to wrapping my phone in a plastic bag. I had one phone that was in an Otter Box, this phone may have taken flight from my truck while a few friends and I had found a mud hole that we were tearing up. When the phone took flight, so did my anger. I knew that there was no way the phone would survive the trip it had just begun. The phone had met mud, When I retrieved the rogue phone I noticed that it was not on, and it wasn't coming back on. At this point in my life, my anger issues were not as well attended to as they are now. I proceeded to make sure the phone was a waste and became unusable, once I had made the final decision that it was a waste. If it wasn't destroyed yet it would be when I was finished. I figured I had to go big so I took the old faithful baseball bat out, I took a few swings on the bat, each time driving my truck over top of the phone. Once I began to feel as if I had done as much damage as possible with the baseball bat I moved to the trusty Beretta 1911 pistol from my hip and proceeded to add a healthy dose of lead into that sucker.

1 comment:

  1. My daughter may have you beat. We invest heavily in expensive protective cases; although, there was a lake incident we did not recover a phone from. Good post. ~Ms. A.
