Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Do I Really Need A Title?

Well yet again it has been about a week or so since my last posting. I swear I will get better at this stuff. I can never remember to post these. I'll just be going about my week and suddenly remember that I haven't posted for quite a while. So as an update, work is slow, fantasy football is killing me, I'm still trying to get used to school. I understand that by week six I should be well into the swing of it. School never managed to keep my attention for too long. I always manage to get off track and have a difficult time finding my way back on track. I will get there, honestly once I motivate myself to get back on schedule and get used to living without alcohol and chew I will be back on top. Yes I have decided to rid my life of alcohol and chew. It always seemed like I find quite a bit of trouble when I drink. I cannot afford more trouble in my life. I also have noticed for about the past six months that my gum line has been receding, I'm happy about that at all. I have taken up something to help with my transition to a life free of those horrid and destructive habits. Before anyone calls me out about jumping on the band wagon for taking this hobby up now, it is something that I have been watching and itching to join for a couple of years now. Without holding out any longer, the hobby that I picked up is vaping. I just figured it out. I am going to start posting about the things I do at work as well as a lot about my journey into vaping. You may think, "What kind of journey can you have into vaping?". Well let me tell you in my next blog post. That's right this is going to become a legit, underground vape and vehicle blog. I am now inspired as hell for this. Check back regularly and tell your friends. This will become amazing as I begin to make my journey through vaping and chasing clouds. I also forgot to mention. I went into the best local vape shop that Springfield, Missouri offers, Titan Vapors, and met the owners. Let me tell you how amazing these guys are. To be honest, I am a cage fighter on somewhat of an extended sabbatical. I am trying to make my way back into the scene and become a large name. When I went in I began talking to the owner, whom I will keep anonymous until I clear the plug of him and his shops in this, he is one of the most laid back and cool person that I have ever met. After talking with him and his brother I have the feeling that this is a place that I can just walk into and chill without being judged and have an amazing time with a great community of people. We began talking about what I do and what I'm looking for and he immediately started getting more and more excited. He is huge into MMA and loves to watch. This could be the beginning of a great hobby with an amazing support group for the things that I wish to achieve in my life.

Thanks for reading as always, I will be back much sooner next time!


Thursday, September 17, 2015

This Is My Creed

     Alright so this has been an assignment for a while and I haven't been putting it off this time. This time the assignment seemed to have hit home with me. Some background, this is a part of the This I Believe assignment. We were asked to free write about our beliefs, then to comprise a credo, and then write a 3-5 page narrative about our beliefs and our credo. I have been  putting a lot of thought into this credo. For as long as I can remember the only thing that I have really run my life by (if you can say that I ran it) was the fact that things happen and you just have to roll with it. I can attest through personal experience that this is not the way to live life. My father has been hounding me for a few months now to figure out what I want in life and how I really want to live my life. This has been something rather difficult for me to think about. I have written three different creeds over the course of the week and only one really stood out to me. It was one that I had to write immediately when I began thinking and planning it out in my head. I will post the other two later as extras, however this will be turned in. This has been sent to several different close friends to undergo an editing so to say. The people that received this are those that have had a significant impact on my life for the better, I can tell you that had I met some of them my life may not have been this long. Without further adieu, I give you my credo.

     I am a fighter, tried and true. I approach every challenge with determination and strength. I will push my mind and body to the limits and break those limits. The world has tested me. I have faltered but never failed. I remain ready and willing to lay down my life in defense of the innocent. It is not what I do within my life that matters, rather what I do for others. I am a defender. I am a disciple. I am a leader. I have been challenged and I have overcome. I have never accepted defeat nor will I ever. My strength is not my own. My strength is a gift. My God is my strength. My God tests my faith and provides what I cannot. Though I have witnessed corruption, death, dishonor, and injustice I must prevail. I must cage the demons of my past and push forward with fervor for great change in my future. I must become clean, free from my pride. Free from the world. I will become free. I will learn to love more fully and openly. I will become the great man that I am meant to be. For; I am a fighter and I am blessed with abundance from God who will never test me past what I can and will overcome. 

~David M. Conrad

     Feel free to comment, it seems to still be a bit of a work in progress but for the sake of the assignment that it was a part of I had to post this in a semi-timely manner. Thank you again for taking the time to read and probably learn too much about me. I'll try to be here all week. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I'm behind... I know.

     Well here we are again with me apologizing because I have fallen behind. I seem to have terrible time management and horrible luck. Everything I do from work to school to home always seems to want to go wrong somehow. It is maddening to say the least. I started out work and school all caught up and not having any worries.

     Work and worries always go together no matter how many times my service manager says that work should be fun. It can be fun but you do have to worry about making enough money, making sure that your payroll percentage is low enough, making sure that you meet the ticket times that you are given no matter how unreasonable they really are at times, and most of all making sure you do not do anything to destroy someones vehicle. Don't forget to ensure that everyone has seen you smile at least a few times a day or they will think you hate your life and ask how you are (regardless if you are like some of us and really do hate it increasingly more often). You miss a week of work and things just tend to escalate, along with your blood pressure and the amount of expletives that come from your mouth. If you couldn't already have guessed, give up now, I missed a full week of work this past week. We will get to the reasoning shortly. I want to rant about school for now.

     School. My favorite thing to do before I started to take classes again was tell people that they had it easy if they were in school. Now generally they would be taking classes and not working more than 30 hours a week. Not me, well, never me really. I just started to think about it and I cannot remember a time when I was taking classes (full or part time) that I was working less than 50 hours a week. There was also a point in time where I was working an average of about 80 hours a week, fighting MMA and training every night, and taking classes. Needless to say something had to go. My solution, just quit showing up to school they'll understand. To be fair they understood but I still failed all of my classes. I have to remain active or I will likely hurt myself or others, I try my hardest I really do, I don't want to be that way I just cannot help it most of the time. When I take my medicine I usually do alright. Sometimes it can make me easily agitated though. I can also just become almost like a zombie but more useless, you can make a zombie eat your enemies, I would just stare at them with a dumbfounded look on my face. For the simple fact that I tend to get off track pretty quickly I will just tell you that school has become difficult for me, focusing is near painful and focusing long enough to make a quality blog or write a paper may damn near kill me. I try everything I can but sometimes it just does not work out. Now I will force upon you the reason why I missed a week of work.

     For those of you who do not care about personal stories, I am forcing this upon you. It means exactly what it says. You will have to read this because I am using my Jedi Mind Tricks. So here we go, hold on to the rails and keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times. I have a condition called Esophageal stricture. So for people like me to whom those are just a couple of weird words I have a narrow throat. I have trouble swallowing food. I tend to choke. I choked. This was not one of the normal times for me to choke, usually I'm in Springfield at least. This time I was out in Morisville without my steroid inhaler that helps this condition. Long story short; There I was baby sitting a bunch of adult playing with guns, I realized I was choking on lunch, I ended up in the hospital having another endoscopy. They tried to give me muscle relaxers to help me through it up. That never works and just makes it worse. After the endoscopy I was layed up in bed with no hope of working this past week and could barely function to get any home work done. It took all of my strength to focus and get what I completed done. Every time I would stand or sit up I would feel the pain of having a 45lbs kettle ball dropped on my diaphragm and then getting repeatedly punched afterwards. Work, recovery, and school. Sometimes I really do have a difficult time keeping up with everything like this week. I will be trying to catch up with everything as soon as I can, This is by no means supposed to be like a pity post, just a little insight into what has been going on and how I continue to narrowly escape death with the help of Gastroenterologists.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Getting To Know Our Audience

          This has been an assignment that I was slightly unsure about near the beginning. I was unsure how asking questions online could actually help us to get to know our classmates. The assignment seemed to turn out a bit different than I had anticipated. There were some things that I had assumed would happen; however there were also some things that really got me thinking. Luckily this is being posted in my blog so I can be my normal unapologetic self and asses the points of interest the way I actually see them.
     One classmate asked where we would go and who we would take with us if we had a one way ticket to anywhere in the world. Naturally, with me being the person I am, of course I chose Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. This is the birthplace of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu which has been one of my loves for the past few years. Rio Heroes is also a product of this place. Just imagine bare knuckle mixed martial arts, it is a beautiful thing. Enough about my response though, I had noticed that the majority of the class had decided that they would not want to accept a one way ticket. They are attached to the place in which they live. Because these are real people I will abbreviate the names so that those whom it concerns will still understand. R.L had said "I don't think I would want to permanently move away from my home. I have everything I need here.” This one response pretty much summed up what the class thought; they have what they want and who they want here in their hometown. I respect their decision and their attachment to this place in which we began to learn who we are. That being said I cannot agree with them; if it takes a one way ticket to get myself into a better environment for me to become the man I want and know I should be then a one way ticket it is for me. As we move on we gained some further understanding about the class and me.
     The question that I had asked was what lesson the class would their posterity that they had learned from a major mistake that they had made in life. I had truthfully expected the majority of the class to be brief and avoid alluding to the fact that we have all made major mistakes in life at one time or another. Those who had rejected the notion of major mistakes had come up with things that they had learned from what I was left to assume were minor mistakes in their lives. The responses that were given had a lot to do with honesty and seizing opportunities. There was one post that stuck out to me, it was made by S.R "... you can't look forward to the future if you dwell on the mistakes in your past.". This is something that people constantly tell me. I relentlessly beat myself up over the things that I have done. It has been a problem that I have always dealt with. After reading this from someone that I've not met it makes me feel as though there should be a bigger push to quit dwelling on my past life. As we look at the mistakes of the past and the prospect of the future it brings me to the one question that has puzzled me.
     Where are you going after you die? One question that has perplexed nearly everyone from theologians to reformed Ukrainian Mob bosses (I've met some interesting people...). When the class was asked this question, I'm not sure why, but I had anticipated different responses. The overwhelming majority of the class had said that they are Christian and had been saved so they are going to heaven. This perplexed me for a few different reasons. Keep in mind that this is not meant to tear down anyone's beliefs or religion, simply to invoke deeper thought. When one takes the response that someone is Christian and they have been saved so they will go to Heaven, is it really enough to just go into the water and become saved? What happens to those who have not been saved, even if they had never been exposed to the opportunity for it? If we follow the thought that you must be saved to go to Heaven it would seem as though those in third world countries that never had the opportunity to learn Christianity would be doomed. They would not only be the only "doomed", from this perspective any children that have died before they had the chance to be saved would be in the same boat. Looking at this from a different perspective; what about those who have been saved but do not show it? Throughout time there have been numerous examples of those who have been Christian and "saved" that have committed heinous crimes against humanity with no remorse to speak of. Is it fair that infants and those who had not received the opportunity are doomed while some of the world’s shittiest people, those that deserve the inner circle of Hell, are "saved" simply for being submerged in water? Apologies for going slightly off of topic but I felt the need to write my analysis of this train of thought. Coming from this topic I find it necessary to highlight one more question that was asked that also greatly helps us understand the class which will be our audience. Just as religion greatly influences our lives, those that we surround ourselves with also have a profound impact.
     The last question that I will highlight from this exercise shows us who our classmates found to be the most influential in their lives. After reading and gaining an understanding of the class from the previous questions I felt that there was a clear choice on which their influences were. As expected the majority of the class was influenced greatest by members of their family. There were two exceptions in the class; they were influenced most by someone outside of their family. I would venture to say that here in the Mid-West our families tend to be the people that influence us the most. This may very well be different as you go further north and maybe south. Ultimately as we look at the results the responses to this question line up with the beliefs that we can conclude most of the members of this class adhere to.
    Looking back at this exercise we seem to be able to draw a conclusion as to who our audience ultimately seems to be. Assessing the responses given when asked about a one way ticket anywhere it is noticed that the class is fond of their home and very few had said that they would accept a one way ticket. Regarding mistakes and lessons to teach posterity the class seems to reject the notion that we all make major mistakes in life with that being said they would teach of honesty and one had spoken of not dwelling on the past. With not dwelling on the past comes looking to the future as in where we will go when we die. Predictably enough almost all of the class agreed that since they are Christian and had been saved that they were going to Heaven. Just as predictably the class also shared the feeling that various members of their family had been the most influential people in their lives. Hometown and family oriented, honest and forward looking, Christian and influenced by family members; to me personally this seems like the typical Mid-Western to Southern mindset that I love so much.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

This I Believe Freewrite

I believe in never flagging and never failing. what does this mean? This means that no matter what life throws at me I will never give up. A man by the name of Rob Bailey had started the Flag Nor Fail movement if you will.. I have looked up to this man for quite a while. he had lived a "normal" life. wife, dog, house, 401k all of that but it never felt completely right. he still wanted more. he wanted to do more with his life. he quit his job, started making music and continued lifting weights. he is a successful musician with a ncak knack for making people more motivated and amped up to follow their dreamas. this has always fascinated me. I have always wanted to become a professional MMA fighter but I had been scared of what could happen to mea nd what would happent to my family If something went wrong in a fight. I know that they would be devistateed so instead of taking my first professional fight back in july 2014 I decided to follow the safe route and backed out. I have been itching to get bakc in. IT pains me to know that I can make it, I can be a successful fighter. I have the strength, the ability and the drive. I also have the ffear of hurting my family any more than I already have. I would have to say that I can thank Rob Bailey for this realization that i have had. His music has greatly influenced me . He created a song called what I live for. I can tell you that I live to fight, I live to compete, I live to win. I just need to get my shit straight and go for it.

This I Believe

  1. I believe that I am not always the best person.
  2. I believe that I can always get better 
  3. I believe I am better today than I was yesterday
  4. I believe I am destined for great things
  5. I believe I will become a successful professional fighter 
  6. I believe I am drifting through life without much direction
  7. I believe times are changing and not for the best
  8. I believe all lives have the opportunity to be important and matter
  9. I believe there is no replacement for hard work 
  10. I believe in never flagging and never failing 
  11. I believe that I will serve my country honorably when the opportunity arises
  12. I believe I can achieve anything with the help of God
  13. I believe that I am undeniably blessed
  14. I believe life is not always easy but it is worth it 
  15. I believe anything can be fixed with enough J.B. Weld
  16. I believe there is more after death