Well here we are again with me apologizing because I have fallen behind. I seem to have terrible time management and horrible luck. Everything I do from work to school to home always seems to want to go wrong somehow. It is maddening to say the least. I started out work and school all caught up and not having any worries.
Work and worries always go together no matter how many times my service manager says that work should be fun. It can be fun but you do have to worry about making enough money, making sure that your payroll percentage is low enough, making sure that you meet the ticket times that you are given no matter how unreasonable they really are at times, and most of all making sure you do not do anything to destroy someones vehicle. Don't forget to ensure that everyone has seen you smile at least a few times a day or they will think you hate your life and ask how you are (regardless if you are like some of us and really do hate it increasingly more often). You miss a week of work and things just tend to escalate, along with your blood pressure and the amount of expletives that come from your mouth. If you couldn't already have guessed, give up now, I missed a full week of work this past week. We will get to the reasoning shortly. I want to rant about school for now.
School. My favorite thing to do before I started to take classes again was tell people that they had it easy if they were in school. Now generally they would be taking classes and not working more than 30 hours a week. Not me, well, never me really. I just started to think about it and I cannot remember a time when I was taking classes (full or part time) that I was working less than 50 hours a week. There was also a point in time where I was working an average of about 80 hours a week, fighting MMA and training every night, and taking classes. Needless to say something had to go. My solution, just quit showing up to school they'll understand. To be fair they understood but I still failed all of my classes. I have to remain active or I will likely hurt myself or others, I try my hardest I really do, I don't want to be that way I just cannot help it most of the time. When I take my medicine I usually do alright. Sometimes it can make me easily agitated though. I can also just become almost like a zombie but more useless, you can make a zombie eat your enemies, I would just stare at them with a dumbfounded look on my face. For the simple fact that I tend to get off track pretty quickly I will just tell you that school has become difficult for me, focusing is near painful and focusing long enough to make a quality blog or write a paper may damn near kill me. I try everything I can but sometimes it just does not work out. Now I will force upon you the reason why I missed a week of work.
For those of you who do not care about personal stories, I am forcing this upon you. It means exactly what it says. You will have to read this because I am using my Jedi Mind Tricks. So here we go, hold on to the rails and keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times. I have a condition called Esophageal stricture. So for people like me to whom those are just a couple of weird words I have a narrow throat. I have trouble swallowing food. I tend to choke. I choked. This was not one of the normal times for me to choke, usually I'm in Springfield at least. This time I was out in Morisville without my steroid inhaler that helps this condition. Long story short; There I was baby sitting a bunch of adult playing with guns, I realized I was choking on lunch, I ended up in the hospital having another endoscopy. They tried to give me muscle relaxers to help me through it up. That never works and just makes it worse. After the endoscopy I was layed up in bed with no hope of working this past week and could barely function to get any home work done. It took all of my strength to focus and get what I completed done. Every time I would stand or sit up I would feel the pain of having a 45lbs kettle ball dropped on my diaphragm and then getting repeatedly punched afterwards. Work, recovery, and school. Sometimes I really do have a difficult time keeping up with everything like this week. I will be trying to catch up with everything as soon as I can, This is by no means supposed to be like a pity post, just a little insight into what has been going on and how I continue to narrowly escape death with the help of Gastroenterologists.
Very nice post indeed. It's the quality that's important in our live not necessarily the timing. ~Ms .A.